DEFINE PAGE1C, SPACE=ROM SEGMENT PAGE1C include "includes\" include "includes\" PUBLIC RecAByteIO,ContinueGetByte,SendAByte,SendCByte,Send4Bytes,Rec1stByteNC EXTERN NZIf83Plus,JErrorNo,EnableLinkAssist,ResetLATimeout,NZIfTimeout,HandleLinkKeyActivity RecAByteIO: di call ReceiveByteToC ld a,c ret ReceiveByteToC: ld b,8 receiveByteLoop: call NZIf83Plus jr z,ReceiveLAByteToC ld de,0FFFFh jr startReceiveLoop receiveLoop: in a,(0) and 3 jp z,JErrorNo cp 3 jr nz,ReceiveByteToC_Ready in a,(0) and 3 jr z,JErrorNo cp 3 jr nz,ReceiveByteToC_Ready startReceiveLoop: dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,receiveLoop jp JErrorNo ReceiveByteToC_Ready: cp 2 jr z,RBTC_1 ld a,1 out (0),a rr c ld de,0FFFFh $$: in a,(0) and 3 cp 2 jr z,RBTC_2 dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,$B jp JErrorNo RBTC_2:xor a out (0),a ld d,4 $$: dec d jr z,$F in a,(0) and 3 cp 3 jr nz,$B $$: djnz receiveByteLoop xor a ret RBTC_1:ld a,2 out (0),a rr c ld de,0FFFFh $$: in a,(0) and 3 cp 1 jr z,RBTC_2 dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,$B jp JErrorNo ReceiveLAByteToC: call EnableLinkAssist call ResetLATimeout $$: xor a ld (laTimer),a call NZIfTimeout jp nz,JErrorNo in a,(laStatusPort) bit 6,a jr nz,$F and 11h jr z,$B in a,(laReceivePort) ld c,a ld a,0 ret $$: and 11h jp z,JErrorNo in a,(laReceivePort) ld c,a ld a,1 ret Rec1stByteNC: di res indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) ld a,lcdXAutoIncrementMode out (LCDinstPort),a ei call NZIf83Plus jr nz,$F call EnableLinkAssist call LAReceiveByteToC ld a,c ret $$: bit onInterrupt,(iy+onFlags) jp nz,JErrorNo call HandleLinkKeyActivity in a,(0) and 3 cp 3 jr z,$B set indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) call ReceiveByteToC_Ready ld a,c ret LAReceiveByteToC: bit onInterrupt,(iy+onFlags) jp nz,JErrorNo call HandleLinkKeyActivity in a,(laStatusPort) and 58h jr z,LAReceiveByteToC set indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) jr ReceiveLAByteToC ContinueGetByte: set indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) di call NZIf83Plus jr nz,cgbNoAssist di call ReceiveLAByteToC ld a,c ret cgbNoAssist: ld b,8 jr ReceiveByteToC_Ready Send4Bytes: call EnableLinkAssist ld hl,250 $$: dec hl ld a,h or l jr nz,$B send4Loop: call NZIf83Plus jr z,send4LA xor a out (0),a in a,(0) and 3 cp 3 jr z,sendBytes send4ReceivedByte: call ReceiveByteToC jr send4Loop send4LA: in a,(9) and 19h jr nz,send4ReceivedByte sendBytes: ld hl,0 ld (header+4),hl ld a,(header) call SendAByte ld a,(header+1) call SendAByte ld a,(header+2) call SendAByte ld a,(header+3) SendAByte: ld c,a SendCByte: call NZIf83Plus jr z,sendByteLA ld b,8 sendLoop: ld de,0FFFFh rr c jr nc,$F ld a,2 jr sendContinue $$: ld a,1 sendContinue: out (0),a bitLoop: in a,(0) and 3 jr z,bitDone in a,(0) and 3 jr z,bitDone dec de ld a,d or e jr nz,bitLoop jp JErrorNo bitDone: xor a out (0),a ld de,0FFFFh bitReallyDone: dec de ld a,d or e jp z,JErrorNo in a,(0) and 3 cp 3 jr nz,bitReallyDone djnz sendLoop ret sendByteLA: call EnableLinkAssist call ResetLATimeout sendByteLA_1: ld a,0FAh ld (laTimer),a in a,(laStatusPort) bit 5,a jr z,$F ld a,c out (laSendPort),a ret $$: call NZIfTimeout jr z,sendByteLA_1 jp JErrorNo