;Low-level USB peripheral routines include "settings.inc" include "ti83plus.inc" include "equates.inc" SEGMENT Main GLOBALS ON EXTERN DebugStart,DebugStop,WaitTimerBms,putAtoHL_ExtraRAMPage,getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage InitializePeriphUSB: ;Initializes ourselves as a USB peripheral connected to...something ;Returns carry set if problems ;This routine can be replaced with an entry point...possibly 5311h (relies on interrupt) ld a,80h out (57h),a xor a out (4Ch),a ld a,1 out (5Bh),a xor a in a,(4Ch) ld a,2 out (54h),a ld a,20h out (4Ah),a call setPowerPorts ld a,8 out (4Ch),a ld de,0FFFFh $$: call decDEcounter scf ret z in a,(4Ch) cp 1Ah jr z,$F cp 5Ah jr nz,$B $$: ld a,0FFh out (87h),a xor a out (92h),a in a,(87h) ld a,0Eh out (89h),a ld a,5 out (8Bh),a in a,(81h) or 1 out (81h),a in a,(54h) or 1 out (54h),a ld b,5 frameCounterLoop: ld de,0FFFFh $$: call decDEcounter jr z,counterExpired in a,(8Ch) or a jr z,$B or a ret counterExpired: djnz frameCounterLoop scf ret setPowerPorts: xor a out (4Bh),a in a,(3Ah) bit 3,a jr z,$F ld a,20h out (4Bh),a $$: xor a out (54h),a ld b,1 call WaitTimerBms in a,(3Ah) bit 3,a jr z,$F ld a,44h out (54h),a $$: ld a,0C4h out (54h),a ret RecycleUSB: ;Disconnects the USB connection and then re-initializes it ;Returns carry set if problems ;This routine can be replaced with an entry point...possibly 5311h (relies on interrupt) xor a out (5Bh),a in a,(4Dh) bit 5,a jr nz,$F xor a out (4Ch),a res 6,(iy+41h) jr finishPart1 $$: ld b,8 in a,(4Dh) bit 6,a jr nz,$F ld b,0 $$: ld a,b out (4Ch),a finishPart1: ld a,2 out (54h),a ld a,(39h) and 0F8h out (39h),a res 0,(iy+41h) in a,(4Dh) bit 5,a jr nz,finishPart2 ld de,0FFFFh $$: dec de ld a,d or e scf ret z in a,(4Dh) bit 7,a jr z,$B in a,(4Dh) bit 0,a jr z,$B ld a,22h out (57h),a xor a ret finishPart2: in a,(4Dh) bit 6,a jr nz,$F xor a out (4Ch),a ld a,50h jr outputPort57h $$: ld a,93h outputPort57h: out (57h),a xor a ret GetControlPacket: ;Gets B bytes from control pipe to HL in a,(0A0h) ld (hl),a inc hl djnz GetControlPacket ret WaitPort82: ;Wait on port 82h to acknowledge transfer in a,(82h) and 1 jr z,WaitPort82 in a,(91h) ret SetupOutPipe: ;Sets up outgoing pipe ;Inputs: A is max packet size / 8 out (90h),a ld a,48h out (91h),a xor a out (92h),a ret SetupInPipe: ;Sets up incoming pipe ;Inputs: A is max packet size / 8 out (93h),a ld a,90h out (94h),a xor a out (95h),a ret SendInterruptData: ;Sends B bytes at HL to interrupt pipe C ;Returns carry if problems LOG IntData,b push hl ld hl,USBflag bit driverConfigured,(hl) pop hl scf ret z set indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) ld a,c ld (asm_ram),a ld c,0A0h add a,c ld c,a push bc ld de,0FFh $$: call decDEcounter scf pop bc jr z,sendInterruptDataDone push bc in a,(8Eh) ld c,a ld a,(asm_ram) out (8Eh),a in a,(91h) ld b,a ld a,c out (8Eh),a ld a,b and 1 jr nz,$B pop bc $$: ld a,(hl) out (c),a inc hl djnz $B in a,(8Eh) ld c,a ld a,(asm_ram) out (8Eh),a ld a,1 out (91h),a ld a,c out (8Eh),a xor a sendInterruptDataDone: res indicOnly,(iy+indicFlags) ret decDEcounter: dec de ld a,d or e ret scfRet: scf ret SendBulkData: ;Sends DE bytes at HL to bulk pipe 01 ;Duplicates OS functionality set 0,(iy+41h) LOG BulkData,d LOG BulkData,e res 5,(iy+41h) ld a,0 ld (9C7Dh),a ld (9C81h),de ld (9C7Eh),hl in a,(8Fh) bit 2,a jr z,$F ; ret $$: ld a,1 out (8Eh),a ld a,21h out (98h),a xor a in a,(98h) ld a,8 out (90h),a xor a in a,(90h) ld a,0FFh out (87h),a xor a out (92h),a in a,(87h) ld a,0A1h out (8Bh),a in a,(8Bh) ; in a,(86h) jr startSendData sendDataLoop: xor a out (5Bh),a set 0,(iy+41h) ld b,40h $$: call wasteTime bit useExtraRAMPages,(iy+periph8xFlags) jr z,useRAM1 call getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage jr continueSendLoop1 useRAM1: ld a,(hl) continueSendLoop1: out (0A1h),a inc hl dec de djnz $B ld a,1 out (8Eh),a ld a,1 out (91h),a ; call DebugStart ;*** TESTING waitLoop1: res 0,(iy+43h) bit 0,(iy+43h) jr z,$F in a,(91h) and 0D9h or 8 out (91h),a scf ret $$: call isSendError jr nz,scfRet in a,(82h) and 2 jr z,waitLoop1 ; call DebugStop ;*** TESTING in a,(91h) bit 5,a jr nz,scfRet ld a,1 out (8Eh),a ld a,8 out (91h),a startSendData: ld a,d or a jr nz,sendDataLoop ld a,e cp 40h jr nc,sendDataLoop push af xor a out (5Bh),a set 0,(iy+41h) pop af or a jr z,skipWrite ld b,a $$: call wasteTime bit useExtraRAMPages,(iy+periph8xFlags) jr z,useRAM2 call getAfromHL_ExtraRAMPage jr continueSendLoop2 useRAM2: ld a,(hl) continueSendLoop2: out (0A1h),a inc hl djnz $B skipWrite: ld a,1 out (8Eh),a ld a,1 out (91h),a ; call DebugStart ;*** TESTING waitLoop2: res 0,(iy+43h) bit 0,(iy+43h) jr z,$F in a,(91h) and 0D9h or 8 out (91h),a scf ret $$: call isSendError jr nz,scfRet in a,(82h) and 2 jr z,waitLoop2 ; call DebugStop ;*** TESTING in a,(91h) bit 5,a jr nz,scfRet ld a,1 out (8Eh),a ld a,8 out (91h),a ld a,1 out (5Bh),a res 0,(iy+41h) ; ei ret isSendError: in a,(86h) bit 5,a ret nz bit 7,a ret wasteTime: nop inc hl dec hl push af push af pop af pop af inc hl dec hl nop call scfRet ccf call scfRet ccf ret ReceiveLargeData: ;Receives BC bytes to HL on bulk pipe 02 ;Duplicates OS functionality res 2,(iy+40h) res 5,(iy+43h) push bc push af ld (iMathPtr5),hl receiveLargeLoop: ; set 2,(iy+12h) res 3,(iy+8) push bc push hl ld hl,40h or a sbc hl,bc pop hl ld b,c jr nc,$F ld b,40h $$: call ReceiveData ex de,hl pop hl ; call initCrystalTimer or a ld b,0 sbc hl,bc jr z,$F ld b,h ld c,l ex de,hl jr receiveLargeLoop $$: pop bc pop bc ret ReceiveData: ;Receives B bytes to HL on bulk pipe 02, max size 40h ;Duplicates OS functionality ld a,b or a ret z ld a,40h cp b ret c jr nz,$F nop $$: ld a,b ld (9C80h),a ld a,(bytesRemaining) or a jr z,$F cp b jr nc,$F ld b,a ld (9C80h),a $$: in a,(8Fh) bit 2,a jr z,$F ret $$: ld a,2 out (8Eh),a in a,(94h) bit 6,a jr z,$F and 0DFh out (94h),a pop af scf ret $$: ld a,(bytesRemaining) or a jr nz,$F in a,(96h) $$: push af ld c,0 receiveLoop: in a,(0A2h) ; bit 2,(iy+40h) ; jr nz,receiveToZone1 ;receiveToZone1: bit useExtraRAMPages,(iy+periph8xFlags) jr z,$F call putAtoHL_ExtraRAMPage jr continueReceiveLoop $$: ld (hl),a continueReceiveLoop: inc hl inc c djnz receiveLoop ld a,2 out (8Eh),a pop af sub c ld (bytesRemaining),a ret nz xor a ld (bytesRemaining),a in a,(94h) and 0FEh out (94h),a res 5,(iy+41h) ; ld a,0A1h ld a,21h out (8Bh),a ld a,1 ; out (5Bh),a res 0,(iy+41h) ; ei ret initCrystalTimer: ;Sets up/Resets crystal timer that OS uses for USB stuff ; di xor a out (33h),a ld a,43h out (33h),a ld a,3 out (34h),a ld a,(90A8h) ld (90AAh),a ld a,(90A9h) ld (90ABh),a or a ld a,0FFh jr nz,$F ld a,(90A8h) $$: out (35h),a res 0,(iy+43h) ; ei ret initUSBStuff: ;Initializes memory and ports that OS uses for USB stuff ;Duplicates OS functionality set 1,(iy+43h) res 0,(iy+42h) ld hl,8449h ld (hl),74h res 0,(iy+42h) ld de,0FAh ld (90A0h),de ld (9094h),de ld a,14h ld (90A8h),a xor a ld (90A9h),a ld a,0 ld (90A5h),a ret sendUSBData_BCbytesFromHL: ;Sends BC bytes from HL out bulk pipe 01 ;Duplicates OS functionality push hl push af push de push bc push bc pop de call SendBulkData res useExtraRAMPages,(iy+periph8xFlags) jr c,sendFailed xor a jr zeroToDEret sendFailed: ld de,0FFFFh or 1 jr saveDEret zeroToDEret: ld de,0 saveDEret: ld (90A6h),de pop bc pop de pop hl ld a,h pop hl ret receiveAndWriteUSBData: ;Receives BC bytes to HL from bulk pipe 02 ;Duplicates OS functionality set 2,(iy+40h) jr $F receiveAndWriteUSBData_resFlag: res 2,(iy+40h) $$: res 5,(iy+43h) receiveAndWriteUSBData_sub: push bc push af ld (iMathPtr5),hl bit 7,h jr nz,receiveUSBDataAndWriteLoop xor a ld (pagedCount),a receiveUSBDataAndWriteLoop: bit 5,(iy+41h) jr nz,doTheRealReceiveAndWrite bit 0,(iy+43h) jr nz,returnProblemsBCis3 bit 5,(iy+43h) jr z,doNotCheckForKeyLinkActivity res 2,(iy+12h) set 3,(iy+8) ; B_CALL HandleLinkActivity ld a,(apdTimer) cp 1 jr z,returnProblemsBCis3 doNotCheckForKeyLinkActivity: bit 5,(iy+41h) jr nz,doTheRealReceiveAndWrite push hl push bc ld hl,error_handler2 call APP_PUSH_ERRORH ; call checkForErrBreak call APP_POP_ERRORH tryRecoveringFromError: pop bc pop hl jr receiveUSBDataAndWriteLoop doTheRealReceiveAndWrite: ; set 2,(iy+12h) res 3,(iy+8) bit 7,h jr nz,receiveToRAMInstead receiveToRAMInstead: push bc push hl ld hl,40h or a sbc hl,bc pop hl ld b,c jr nc,notTooBig ld b,40h notTooBig: call ReceiveData ex de,hl pop hl jr c,returnProblems_2 call initCrystalTimer or a ld b,0 sbc hl,bc jr z,routineDone ld b,h ld c,l ex de,hl jr receiveUSBDataAndWriteLoop error_handler2: set 4,(iy+43h) bit 5,(iy+43h) jr z,tryRecoveringFromError call initCrystalTimer ld de,0CCCDh ld bc,0FFFEh pop hl pop hl jr problemsReturnNZ returnProblems: pop bc returnProblems_2: ld bc,0FFFFh jr problemsReturnNZ returnProblemsBCis3: ld bc,3 problemsReturnNZ: or 1 jr saveBCret routineDone: ld bc,0 saveBCret: ld (90A6h),bc pop bc ld a,b pop bc res useExtraRAMPages,(iy+periph8xFlags) ret receiveAndWriteUSBData_fromInt: set 2,(iy+40h) push bc push af ld (iMathPtr5),hl xor a ld (9834h),a jr receive_data_ready receiveAndWriteUSBData_noInt: set 2,(iy+40h) $$: push bc push af ld (iMathPtr5),hl xor a ld (9834h),a receive_noint_loop: call doTimerStuff bit 0,(iy+43h) jr nz,P2scfRet bit 5,(iy+41h) jr nz,receive_data_ready in a,(84h) bit 2,a jr z,$F set 5,(iy+41h) xor a ld (bytesRemaining),a jr receive_data_ready $$: in a,(86h) bit 5,a jr nz,P2scfRet jr receive_noint_loop receive_data_ready: call initCrystalTimer push bc push hl ld hl,40h or a sbc hl,bc pop hl ld b,c jr nc,$F ld b,40h $$: call ReceiveData ex de,hl pop hl jr c,P2scfRet or a ld b,0 sbc hl,bc jr z,$F ld b,h ld c,l ex de,hl jr receive_noint_loop $$: pop bc ld a,b pop bc ret P2scfRet: pop af pop bc scf ret doTimerStuff: in a,(4) and 40h ret z ld a,1 out (34h),a ld a,(90ABh) or a jr nz,$F out (33h),a set 0,(iy+43h) ret $$: dec a ld (90ABh),a or a jr z,$F ret $$: xor a out (33h),a ld a,43h out (33h),a xor a out (34h),a ld a,(90AAh) out (35h),a ret