;This displays "Hello, world!", waits for a key, and attempts to ; modify the OS so that the self-test will fail ; when run (OS 1.60 and 1.90 only). .nolist #include "ti73.inc" .list .org asm_exec_ram bcall(_runIndicOff) ld hl,0 ld (curRow),hl ld hl,sHelloWorld bcall(_PutS) bcall(_getKey) bcall(_clrLCDFull) res 4,(iy+9) in a,(6) push af ld hl,errorHandler call 59h ld hl,0 ld (848Eh),hl ld (83ECh),hl ld a,1Ch out (6),a call getJumpAddress jr c,errorHandler ld a,1Dh ld hl,8000h ld (hl),0 ld de,7FFFh ld bc,1 jp (ix) errorHandler: pop af out (6),a ret getJumpAddress: bcall(_getBaseVer) dec a scf ret nz ld a,b cp 60h ld ix,6564h ret z cp 90h ld ix,6585h ret z scf ret sHelloWorld: .db "Hello world! " .db "No ERR:BREAK " .db "here. :)",0 .end end