I have some consoles, and I do stuff to them. Details are below.
- Xbox - I built one out of spare parts and modded it (not in that order). A separate page details my adventures in that.
- Salamax - this is a bridge between an Xbox 360 wired controller and a computer, using either a Teensy 2.0 (x2) setup or a TI graphing calculator.
- PS3JB and PS3JB89 - these are calculator applications for jailbreaking a PS3 through USB (obsolete).
- uDrawTablet - this is a Windows application/"driver" for communicating with the PS3 and Xbox 360 uDraw tablets on a PC.
- xval360 - this is a little PHP script that decrypts the "X value" from an Xbox 360 console, to check for ban flags.
- PS3Jig - this is a PSP application for triggering Factory/Service Mode via USB on the PS3.