DEFINE PAGE00, SPACE=ROM SEGMENT PAGE00 include "includes\" PUBLIC CallUSBActivityHook,RunLinkActivityHook EXTERN GetBytePaged,NZIf83Plus,MakeOffPageCall,ZIfSlowSpeed,Page0Call RunLinkActivityHook: push af ld hl,LinkActivityHookBlock call GetHookByte jr z,RunHook pop af res LinkActivityHookEnabled,(iy+scriptFlag) ret RunHook: pop af ld (tempWord),a in a,(speedPort) push af bit runAtFastSpeed,(iy+customFlag1) call ZIfSlowSpeed pop af push af ld a,(tempWord) push hl ld hl,nestedHookLevels inc (hl) ld hl,RunHookSafeRet ex (sp),hl push hl ld hl,RunHookRet ex (sp),hl push hl ld hl,hookExecTemp ex (sp),hl jr Page0Call RunHookSafeRet: pop af push hl ld hl,nestedHookLevels dec (hl) pop hl call NZIf83Plus jr nz,$F and 1 out (speedPort),a $$: pop af pop af pop af ret RunHookRet: push af push hl ld hl,nestedHookLevels dec (hl) pop hl call NZIf83Plus jr nz,$F pop af ld (tempWord),bc pop bc pop bc push af ld a,b and 1 out (speedPort),a pop af ld bc,(tempWord) ret $$: pop af inc sp inc sp inc sp inc sp ret GetHookByte: push bc push de ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) inc hl ld a,(hl) cp 0FFh jr z,$F ld (hookExecTemp+2),a ex de,hl call GetBytePaged inc hl ld (hookExecTemp),hl ld a,b $$: pop de pop bc cp 83h ret CallUSBActivityHook: ld hl,USBActivityHookBlock ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) inc hl ld a,(hl) cp 0FFh jr z,noUSBActivityHook push bc ld (offPageCallPage),a ex de,hl call GetBytePaged inc hl ld a,b cp 83h pop bc jr z,$F noUSBActivityHook: res USBActivityHookEnabled,(iy+hookFlags4) or 1 ret $$: ld (offPageCallAddress),hl call MakeOffPageCall ld a,b or a ret